Whataburger's Whatakid: Carly Staggs of Region IX
Congratulations to the Whatakid of the Month, Carly Staggs! The seventeen-year-old junior competes in the pole bending, barrel racing, goat tying, breakaway roping, and ropes on the heel side in the team roping. While she might be an all around cowgirl, she claims the pole bending as her favorite event. Her equine partner for the poles (and barrels) goes by the name of Lulu, and while the two of them share quite a few memories, Carly’s favorite is the time she and Lulu ran their first 19-second pole run. She said she is also pretty fond of the memory she has of winning the pole bending in the 2017 San Antonio Youth Rodeo.
Carly has been a member of the Texas High School Rodeo Association for three years now. She said her favorite part of the organization is how everyone is supportive and treats each other like family. She also explained how she enjoys the competition on the regional and state levels. “I love how everyone is competitive but also willing to help each other,” Carly said. “Rodeo also gives me more responsibilities like taking care of my horses and practicing for all of my events.”
Though she does not partake in extracurricular activities through her school due to the time she dedicates to rodeo, she served as her barrel racing director all three years of her junior high career, and has been the pole bending director all three years of her high school career. She was the Rookie All Around Cowgirl for Region 9 her freshmen year of high school rodeo as well as the reserve champion barrel racer and pole bending champion. Her sophomore year she won the Reserve all around and pole bending champion, and she won the pole bending for her region this year.
While she is no stranger to the winner’s circle, she has had to sacrifice extracurricular activities and the occasional hangout with friends that might interfere with her practices. It does not seem to bother her too much though as she claims her life motto to be “always have fun and enjoy the things you are blessed with.” She explained how even though she misses hanging out with her friends the love she has for the sport outweighs the sacrifices she has had to make. Carly’s dreams, successes and sacrifices are accompanied by a strong support system. “My mom is my hero and someone I look up to,” Carly said. “She is the biggest supporter of my life.”
In the future Carly plans to attend a junior college for two years in order to carry out her rodeo career on the collegiate level, and then she plans to transfer to Sam Houston State University in hopes of obtaining a nursing degree.
“Being picked for the Whatakid of the month is very rewarding,” Carly said. “Getting recognized for my hard work and dedication to my region makes me proud. I’m very proud of myself and so blessed my region presented me this year’s Whatakid.”